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Why I Have An Email List

Algorithms, not users, are in control

Most social and content platforms use algorithms to promote certain content and suppress other content based on their rules, interests and preferences. Unfortunately, there is no transparency and control on these platforms which means there is no way to be sure my followers are getting my messages. As a content creator, I don’t like this. To be honest, I don’t trust these platforms and I think they are getting in the way of my relationships with people in my network.

Email is the best way to bypass the algorithms and reach my tribe directly

Email is simple and direct. Users can signup for my email list and they will get all my emails. Users can unsubscribe at any time if they no longer value my emails. It’s a direct relationship between me and the people in my network without interference from third parties. This assumes your spam filter isn’t blocking my emails so please check it to make sure I’m getting into your inbox.

Networks are powerful

I’ve been building my network on LinkedIn since 2002. I have about 14,000 contacts in my network. This includes people I’ve worked with, people I’ve met, founders, engineers, executives and CEOs. I have at least a second degree connection with almost anyone I’d like to connect with. It’s super helpful to leverage my network when trying to do business with almost any company.

There are some helpful tools on LinkedIn, but I normally find myself just emailing the person I’m reaching out to. I’d like to use my network more often and more effectively. I’d like to help others in my network accomplish their goals as well. After all, isn’t that why we created a network in the first place? Shouldn’t we be helping each other as much as we can? Yeah, let’s do that.

Topics I’m exploring in my email newsletter

As you know, I’m a crazy 10+ startup founder and a 5x corporate executive. I’m also on a spiritual path, which is a fascinating experience. In fact, I think we are all on a spiritual path, whether we know it or not. So I’ve created three topic areas for my newsletter. You can signup for one, two or all three depending on your interests and preferences.

  • Startups & Entrepreneurship - I run InsightStudios, I startup studio that is creating 150 startups from scratch. I’ve created 11 so far as I’m writing this message. When building a startup, there is never a dull moment. I share the ups and downs of the startup experience in this newsletter. I’m a pretty honest and direct person so the startup content is raw and unfiltered. Founders, advisors and investors will find the content insightful and useful.

  • Corporate Innovation - Doing new things in a corporate environment is pretty different than a startup environment. Since I’ve done both, I like to discuss the differences to help companies develop business creation capabilities so they can innovate more, unlock new sources of value and create new engines of growth. Big companies can have a big impact which is why I continue to work with them.

  • Spirituality - I’ve been through difficult personal challenges, as most of us have. This cracked open my ego and the Light came in. I believe we are eternal, spiritual beings having a temporary human experience. I like to explore spiritual and metaphysical principles that empower us to create more of the reality we prefer so we can live our best lives. I share insights, lessons, tip and tricks in this newsletter to help us all raise our level of consciousness.

I thought about talking about politics as another topic but for now I’m going to post political stuff on my X account Feel free to follow me on X if you want to hear a different perspective on politics including insights on the ongoing war between Patriots and Traitors. For now, there won’t be any political topics covered on my email newsletter. If enough of you want to talk about politics then maybe all add it as a new topic you can opt into.

It’s Free

My email newsletter is totally free. You can signup for free and unsubscribe at any time. I’m pretty busy these days so I won’t spam you. Some times I get fired up and I might sent a couple emails in a week but normally I send a new email about once a month.

If you’re interested in joining my email list, tap the button at the top of this page and signup.

See you there!

Dave Linhardt